Went to an interesting market today! Strange foods I’ll probably try!

I’ve been AWOL for a while since starting a new real job and trying to be a good boy, but I’m over the being good thing.

Earlier today I decided I wanted to start curing a pork belly to make some homemade bacon (that’ll be a different post).  A friend of mine said that the Asian market on Spring Creek here in Plano had some good bellies at a decent price.  So I looked it up, found the web site, looked at the pics, told Candis bye, and hauled ass to what I figured was gonna be an adventure!  Oh my, the things I have seen!


Being the carnivore I am, I headed straight to the meat department, I wasn’t disappointed!  What part of the pig do you want?  The picture below, shows pig liver, pig heart, pig kidneys, and pigs feet!  I’ve been looking for pork liver for years to use in my boudin!  Score!  Oh yeah, pig bung as well!


The next section was just nuts, seriously, nuts, balls, testicles, whatever word you have for them!  Below, I present you with rooster fries and lamb balls!  Beef didn’t make it into the picture.


Now, I’ve cleaned and eaten a LOT of chicken, but damned if I’ve ever seen anything on the bird that looks like that!   Looks like you fry em up!  I wonder, do they taste like chicken?

OK, on to the fish and seafood section, I doubted anything here would surprise me, I was wrong!  What kind of fish or seafood do you want?  I identified fresh water and saltwater fish, I also found things I couldn’t identify!  Below are some items I found.

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Hmm, you want that fish head whole or just half of it?  How fresh is the pompano? I think one winked at me!

Calamari squid and large squid looked pretty good!  I was tempted..   Now, white bass are how much a pound?  My friend Paul would have made a killing as a fishing guide if he had charged by the pound!

i saw most of the “normal” fish we find on a menu, but some others really caught my eye.  Ribbon fish, lady fish, raw sardines, raw anchovies, and even largemouth bass, yep, the ones in the local lakes!  All fish can be fried by them free of charge.

Want crabs?  Dungeness and blue crabs can be had live, or cleaned and frozen. Oh yeah, they’ll steam them for you free if you want!


Ok, everything so far has been interesting, but I really want some feedback about how to eat the items we’re about to discuss….

Squid with fish paste. Ok, does it need to be cooked?  Is it finger food or something you add to a dish?


Marinaded duck feet.  Now, this one was in a refrigerated display with many items ready to eat. Are these ready to eat?  Not much meat.


Silky chicken. Ok, it has a black skin, it was a LOT smaller than the 4 pound regular chicken I bought for 5 bucks, and this sucker costs how much?  DAYUM, this must be a very rare yardbird!


Raw pork blood, not cooked, raw!  Um, why?  I really want to know!  Sorry for the bad picture, I was getting strange looks just being in the store, when I took pictures, they frowned at me.


Well, let’s talk jerky!  I assume that’s what this is, it’s all salted and dried…

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Dried duck, dried squid, and dried octopus!  I doubt it’s eaten like jerky, probably used once rehydrated, but still an interesting find.  Any information on these and their use(s)?

Ok, last one, WTF is this and what’s it used for?


Over all, I was IMPRESSED!  However, there was NO cheese to be found!  I wanted to get some for Candis. Do Asians not eat cheese?

I also think that Mark Davis and I need to go crazy in this store while Candis and Allie eat at McDonalds!

Questions, comments, secret recipes?  Gimme a shout!

Until next time, Bone Appetite!